Discovering Ciudad Perdida (Lost City): An Adventurer's Guide to Colombia


 Ciudad Perdida, also known as the Lost City, is a fabled ruined city located in the jungle-swathed mountains of the Sierra Nevada in Colombia. Built by the indigenous Tayrona tribes in 800AD, it was abandoned after a confrontation with Spanish conquistadors and remained forgotten until looters rediscovered it in the 1970s. Today, it is known as "the new Machu Picchu" and is accessible via a three-day trek through the humid cloud forest. In this travel guide, we'll explore everything you need to know to plan your own adventure to this incredible destination.

How to get to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), Colombia, Road map

La Ciudad Perdida sometimes referred to as the Lost City, should be at the top of your agenda if you intend to experience the untamed grandeur of the Sierra Nevada highlands in Colombia. You must first figure out how to get there, though, before you can begin your journey.

In northern Colombia's Tayrona National Park, The Lost City is situated about 44 kilometers from Santa Marta. The three-day walk to the Lost City is strenuous but rewarding, entailing trudging through dense forests and traversing rivers.

There are various ways to go to the Lost City

Journey booked

The most easiest and popular method to explore the Lost City is to join an organized trip. There are numerous tour companies in Santa Marta that provide guided tours to the Lost City, which include transportation, hotel, meals, and a qualified guide. This option is great for people who seek a pressure vacation without being worried about road transport.

Trekking on Your Own

If you want to walk solo, you can hire a local guide at Machete Pelao, the journey's beginning point. To go to Machete Pelao, take a bus from Santa Marta to El Mamey and then a motorbike cab to the trailhead. Remember that this alternative involves more organization and preparation, such as bringing your own camping equipment and food.


A helicopter journey to the Lost City is available for those with a bigger budget. The helicopter trip lasts around 30 minutes each way and provides breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding forest and mountains.

Getting to the Lost City, regardless of route, necessitates a certain amount of endurance and stamina. The journey can be physically taxing, particularly during the wet season when the pathways can become muddy and treacherous. Bring good hiking shoes, lightweight clothes, and lots of water with you.

Eye-catching  visiting places in Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), Colombia

What can you anticipate seeing? The following are some stunning tourist attractions that should not be missed:

The Main Plaza

The Tayrona people used to congregate here for ceremonial ceremonies, making it the center of Ciudad Perdida. The plaza's stone steps are a work of technical genius, and the vista is breathtaking from the summit.

The Circular Platform

This circular platform, which stands close to the Main Plaza, is thought to have been utilized for astronomical observations. It's a calm place to observe the jungle surroundings.

The Terraces

The Tayrona were expert farmers, and their terraced farming systems may still be seen today in the hillsides. They provide evidence of the creativity and tenacity of the Tayrona people.

The Staircases:

The Tayrona people constructed ornate stone staircases that are still in use today throughout Ciudad Perdida. Watch your step because they are narrow and steep.

The Waterfalls:

 Ciudad Perdida is surrounded by a number of breathtaking waterfalls, including the one that supplies the city's water. After a strenuous hike, cooling off in the chilly waters is the ideal activity.

You will undoubtedly have lifelong memories of Ciudad Perdida because it is a genuinely lovely city. Therefore, if you're up for the task, begin organizing your journey right away!

What are Things to Do in Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), Colombia

Nowadays, it is a well-liked vacation spot for both history aficionados and adventure seekers. We will examine the top activities in Ciudad Perdida.

The Lost City Trek

It is not recommended for the weak of the heart to travel to Ciudad Perdida. An exhausting three-day climb through thick jungle, jagged mountains, and raging rivers makes up the trek. The payoff at the end is worthwhile, though; finding the Lost City is an incredible experience. Visitors can climb to the summit of the ruins, which are stretched out over a number of terraces, for an incredible panoramic view of the mountains in the area.

Learn about the Tayrona people's history and culture.

The Tayrona people were the first to live in the remains of the Lost City, and you may still witness remnants of their culture and rituals there. Explore the terraces, ceremonial plazas, and other buildings in the Lost City to discover more about the Tayrona way of life, spiritual beliefs, and architectural style.

Swim in the waterfalls and natural ponds.

There are numerous natural springs and waterfalls along the route to Ciudad Perdida where hikers can cool off after a strenuous day of hiking. The environment is breathtaking, the water is refreshing and crystal clear. Swim in the natural pools or unwind by the waterfall while taking in the peace and quiet of the woods.

Get to know the Kogi locals

The Kogi people, who still reside in the highlands near the Lost City, are the Tayrona people's modern-day descendants. A meeting with a Kogi elder can be arranged so that visitors can learn more about their culture and way of life. The Kogi are renowned for their strong ties to nature and spiritual beliefs.

Investigate the nearby jungle.

The area surrounding the Lost City is a hive of activity. Throughout the journey to Ciudad Perdida, visitors can see monkeys, birds, and other animals. A number of additional routes branch off from the Lost City so that travelers can explore the jungle nearby and find even more undiscovered riches.

Accommodation, Food & Transportation in Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), Colombia

You'll need to be able to maneuver the accommodations, dining, and transportation systems once you get there.

There are few places to stay in Ciudad Perdida because there are no hotels or resorts nearby. Visitors instead make use of the simple campsites or hammocks supplied by the native populations in the area. Although the lodgings are basic, they include everything you require for a comfortable night's sleep after a strenuous day of hiking.


Eating is another need in Ciudad Perdida. The local communities provide the meals, which are basic yet wonderful recipes created with fresh, regional ingredients. Meals like rice, beans, and vegetables are typical, along with some meat or fish. Vegans and vegetarians may both eat here.

It is not simple to go to Ciudad Perdida. There is only one way to get there, and it is a strenuous one. Trekking through muggy cloud forests, through rivers, and up steep slopes are all part of the three-day expedition. The good news is that you'll have the chance to walk about the Lost City and its surrounds once you get there.

In conclusion, visiting Ciudad Perdida demands a spirit of adventure, but those who undertake the journey are rewarded with a life-changing encounter.Even if the lodging and cuisine are simple, they offer all you need to recharge and unwind after a strenuous day of touring. While getting there may be difficult, the trip itself is an adventure not to be missed.

It's also vital to remember that tourists must make their trek reservations through a certified travel operator. These companies offer knowledgeable guides, food, lodging, and transportation to and from the trailhead. Insect repellent, sunscreen, comfortable clothing, strong hiking boots, and a solid backpack are all essential items to bring for the hike.

Here are some tips and tricks for traveling to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), Colombia

Book early: Because there are only a few entrances to the Lost City, it is important to plan your expedition far in advance to prevent disappointment. There are several tour companies that provide guided hikes, so it's important to compare them to select the one that best meets your needs.

It's crucial to pack lightly because you'll be traveling through steamy rainforest terrain for three to five days. Just the necessities, such as a change of clothes, strong hiking boots, bug repellant, sunscreen, and a water bottle, should be brought.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as dehydration is a serious concern on the journey to the Lost City. A water filter system or purification pills are usually a good idea to have just in case, even though many tour companies supply safe drinking water.
Be in shape: The journey to the Lost City is strenuous, so it's crucial to be in top physical condition before you go. In the weeks before your excursion, try to fit regular activities into your schedule, such as hiking, running, or cycling.

Respect local traditions: The Lost City is regarded as a holy location by the indigenous Kogi, Arhuaco, and Wiwa tribes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Dress modestly, get permission before taking photographs, and avoid littering as ways of showing respect for their traditions and culture.

Bring cash: Because there aren't any ATMs or banks in the Lost City, you should carry enough cash to pay for any costs you might have throughout the walk, including tipping your guides or purchasing trinkets from the neighborhood.

Hiking to the Lost City is a life-changing adventure, so make sure you completely enjoy the experience. Spend some time taking in the breathtaking natural surroundings, discovering the area's culture, and developing relationships with your fellow trekkers.


Colombia's Ciudad Perdida is a fantastic travel destination for both history fans and adventure seekers. The Tayrona people constructed the ancient city around 800 AD, and looters found it in the 1970s. To reach the remains today, tourists might set out on a strenuous three-day hike through the muggy cloud forest. During the route, they may take in breathtaking natural scenery and discover more about the indigenous people who previously lived in the Lost City via their culture and history. A thorough travel guide is necessary to successfully plan a trip to Ciudad Perdida. This manual needs to include directions, suggestions for lodging, food options, activities, sights to view, and advice for a safe and pleasant hike. Travelers can guarantee they have a wonderful experience touring the Lost City and all of its treasures according to the advice and suggestions.


What is Ciudad Perdida, exactly?

A: In the Sierra Nevada highlands of Colombia, there lies a long-lost city called Ciudad Perdida, also called the Lost City. It was constructed by the local Tayrona people in 800 AD and was destroyed by Spanish conquistadors.

Where is Ciudad Perdida located?

A: You must first go to the Colombian town of Santa Marta in order to reach Ciudad Perdida. The next step is to arrange a guided expedition, which usually takes three to six days, to the Lost City.

What do I need to bring on a hike to Ciudad Perdida?

A: It's important to pack lightly and carry items like a sleeping bag, comfortable, breathable clothing appropriate for humid weather, excellent hiking shoes, insect repellent, sunscreen, and a waterproof jacket. Don't forget to bring a camera to record the breathtaking vistas, refreshments, and a refillable water bottle.

What time of year is ideal for visiting Ciudad Perdida?

A: December through March and July through September are the finest months to visit Ciudad Perdida. The nicest weather and lower possibilities of rain are seen during these months.

To trek to Ciudad Perdida, do I need to be in good physical condition?

A: The journey to Ciudad Perdida is difficult and needs a high level of physical fitness. That trek, you should warm it up by getting in some aerobics & hiking.

A: Is traveling to Ciudad Perdida safe?

A: Going to Ciudad Perdida with a reliable guide is safe. To guarantee a safe and pleasurable journey, it is necessary to be aware of the surroundings and adhere to the guide's advice.

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